Hey guys and welcome to another episode of ‘Man that Game is Good’! You’ll notice that starting from today these blog posts will be branching out a tad. Not only will I be sharing with you the bestest user games on the site, but I will also share with you features about upcoming Gamefroot games and the odd user tip to get you guys making even better games, so that I can mention them here!
So let’s get into it! If you are looking for a nice, simple platform game then take a look at Paul by Tracey McKenzie. This is an enjoyable and accessible game to all with a few cheeky traps to catch you up as you search for the end point, battling robots and Asian business men as you go (you’ll have to ask Tracey as to the significance of the business men). The overall design is interesting and varied, and it is satisfying to get to that end point after having been tricked out of it (admittedly on more than one occasion). I would love to see more games from Tracey that build upon this clean and user friendly format. Keep up the good work Tracey!
Another short but sweet game that I have to mention is Fresh Sushi Adventures by fightproject. As soon as you open this game you’ll see why it’s worth a look. It is always great to see you guys using your own tiles in a game to create the customized world that is right for you. So then, it is flippin’ wondrous to see these fellows’ friendly faces darting about the screen, it is marvellous to witness the alternate facial expressions as you or your enemies kick the bucket, but most of all it is simply awesome that the lead character can hold a gun..i mean, how is he gripping that thing? Does he have it wedged in his nose? That is talent…thank you happy face man for making me smile today.
If you are looking for a real challenge this week, then take a look at Death Pizza v 0.1 by Richard de Jonge. This game is awesome and should offer you plenty of tricky platform challenges to overcome! First off, I love that this game starts you off with a clear and precise focus, narrated beautifully. The music fits great to the fiery background, and the walk speed tweak has created a really nifty ‘slide’ effect; so make sure to be careful every time you jump to a new platform, cause you may just slide right into a bucket of fresh hot flame! This game is really nicely laid out, with a very simple architecture and appropriate use of tiles. The appearance of the firework effect, which is available in an items’ advanced features, creates another rather pleasing aesthetic to the bubbling lava as it spews tiny orange pixels into the air. And the really good news is that Richard has promised us that there will be more levels to come!! YES! This game is great, so go play it!
Well that’s it my fellow gamers until next week, when I will be reviewing the greatly anticipated sequel to our most played game, Super Froot Box!!! Get yourself ready for that one and have a great week!!
Rayne Leafe and the Gamefroot team.
Wow, thank for for a totally sterling review to my game 😀 Really appreciating it! 🙂
Just reading it got me in fits of giggles 🙂
You didn’t seem to notice that the three “psychotic’ residents got harder to kill as you progressed thru the level. This “difficulty” theme will increase with concurrent levels. Also on this note, there will be a small update to my bugs page 🙂 That should keep your dev’s busy 🙂
-Much love <3,