Game on Javascript coders!

Create games, write interactive stories, and build animations!
In Gamefroot, managing student accounts is easy. Everything you need is in the groups page, which is available from the Gamefroot level editor.
Classrooms and groups in Gamefroot look like this:
There are many contributing factors as to why a virus spreads. One of those factors is the human factor – Simply put, the more that people stay at home and keep a safe 2 metre distance from each other the slower the virus can spread in your community.
The year is 2020. Here in New Zealand, year one of the new digital technologies learning area is upon us!
To help get the party started, Gamefroot has developed a new digital technologies learning resource to support future generations remember and learn about the 6th Feb 1840, Te Tiriti o Waitangi, and the events that surrounded it.
Continue reading “Aotearoa 1840 – Code your own interactive timeline”The Gamefroot Arcade is where other people can play your games and where you can play games made by others.
The new Arcade has had a visual overhaul, a new and improved single game screen with comments and likes.
The next thing on our agenda is to include a featured games carousel, a trending games tab and a tab for partner content.
What do?
Just login to the Gamefroot level editor, click the arcade button, play some games, and let us know what you think we should do next in the comments.
Gamefroot are pleased to announce our biggest update since we launched many moons ago!
Most of our efforts have gone towards a redesigned user interface that promises to make 2D game development, and learning game development even easier.
Let’s take a closer look at some of the big changes and unpack what it means for you.
Continue reading “The Gamefroot 2020 experience”
Gamefroot is very pleased to announce our successful application for NZ On Air funding to integrate game making capabilities into the upcoming TVNZ children’s site.
The TVNZ children’s site will become home to awesome kiwi made content including animated web series, games, competitions and, thanks to Gamefroot, a brand new space for kids to make their own video-games.
Kids will be able to watch their favorite content online and then through integration with Gamefroot, make their own video-games based on that content.
It’s no secret that today’s kids love playing video-games. This development will help support kiwi kids transition from game consumers to game makers where they will get to hone their skills in game design, coding and storytelling.
We are excited to be part of the TVNZ family and can’t wait to get started on the development! I’ll keep you posted.
– Dan
Gamefroot has made learning your pepeha even more awesome! Based on your feedback, you now get to edit the underlying code for each section of pepeha.
These changes reveal the underlying code and thus the magic of gamefroot, giving you a more authentic digital technologies experience.
We are happy to announce the following improvements available right now!
So please give it a whirl and let us know your thoughts in the comments section.
Gamefroot Update Announcement!
This update brings numerous improvements to Scripts and Gamefroot User Interface. Bug fixes and the new transparent editor are just the peak of the iceberg.