Let’s Make a Game: Snake

Note: this tutorial is out of date. You can use concepts from this tutorial, plus updated ones listed below:



The classic game “Snake” is fun because of it’s simplicity and replayability. You start out as a small snake made up of one or two blocks, and you grow longer each time you eat something. You have to avoid colliding with yourself, which becomes progressively harder as your tail grows longer. The entire game only contains a few elements, but you can play it over and over – that makes it a perfect candidate for a “Let’s Make a Game” Tutorial!

Continue reading “Let’s Make a Game: Snake”

Pimp my Game – Using your own Character artwork

Note: this tutorial has been updated here http://gamefroot.com/knowledgebase/animate-and-upload-your-own-character/


With Gamefroot we make it easy for the entry level game designer to effortlessly create a game using the default assets, but for the next level of game designer* we offer a lot more customization. You can design your own characters, terrain, in-game items, and backgrounds. You can then upload these assets into Gamefroot to build games that are uniquely your own. In this series of tutorials I’m going to show you how to do all of that to create a masterpiece you can be proud of. *To take advantage of Gamefroot’s customization it is important that you have image editing software and a working knowledge of how to use it.

Continue reading “Pimp my Game – Using your own Character artwork”