How to Unpublish a Game

Note: this feature is currently unavailable


Decided you want to keep prying eyes away from your hard work? Maybe you want to make changes to your published game and don’t want people to play it until you are finished. It’s OK! You can very easily remove your game from public scrutiny by opening it up in the level editor, opening the File menu, and clicking Publish. Check the Draft button and click Save. Now your game has been reverted back to Draft mode, and it will no longer be visible on


You can re-publish your game again at any time.

Share your games

Note: an updated version of this tutorial is here


Sharing your Gamefroot creations is simple. If you have published your game then it will appear on the Browse Games page (if it is popular enough), and the All Games page.

To share a specific game with people, click the share button underneath the game on the Gamefroot website.

Continue reading “Share your games”