Share your content with the world (and make money doing it!)

Note: this feature is not currently available.


With Gamefroot’s new Marketplace you can now share your game characters, terrain, items, music, sounds, and weapons with everyone. We love to see community generated content, and we think this is the next big step to having an amazing game creation experience.

To share your game content on the Marketplace, open the Asset Manager and select the pack you wish to share. Make sure your pack has all the neat stuff you want to share – and if it doesn’t, then add in all the assets it will need.

Once the pack is opened click “Add to Marketplace”

Then give your pack a name, description, and a cool image (make sure the image is 81×81 pixels).

Then click Next and Publish!


Congratulations, now anyone can use your content to create their own games with.

Very soon we will be enabling users to set a price on their packs, which will allow creative people to earn money through the marketplace. You can turn Gamefroot into a money maker!



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