Gamefroot now supports Parallax Backgrounds – Play test it in this game!
Gamefroot version 1.7:
Multi-layered Parallax Backgrounds
- Asset Manager Interface Update
Parallax Backgrounds are made up of layered images which move at different speeds over each other. We’ve given everyone a new asset pack containing parallax versions of the old backgrounds.
Now you can create your own parallax backgrounds in the Gamefroot Level Editor. Open the Asset Manager (hit the My Resources button), and create a new pack or open one of your existing packs. Click Create New Assets and choose Background…
The Backdrop Editor will now open. Give your background a name, and then select and upload images for the different layers.
Repeat horizontally and repeat vertically will set the image to repeat itself so you don’t have to upload large images. X speed and Y speed determine how quickly the layer will scroll as the player character moves past them. Good default values for this are x speed 15 for the midground, and x speed 40 for the foreground. X pos and Y pos will offset the image by that distance you set.
Once you have your layers uploaded and the values for their speeds and positions set, you can hit Save Changes, and once the dialog box appears to tell you that it’s saved, you can then close the window. Your new background will now be in your pack.
To test it in a game, ensure the pack has been added to the game (click the add button on the pack), and then set your new background as the background for this level via the level properties window.
Save that, then Preview your game. Here’s one we made just for you!
We also made a few adjustments to the Asset Manager based on feedback we got from users. Some people found the whole concept confusing, so we hope that our tweaks have made the Asset Manager easier to understand and use.
Give us your feedback by posting comments below, or hit us up on Twitter, Facebook, and the support page – Your ideas could make it into the next version of the Gamefroot Game Creator!
Have fun!
– The Gamefroot Team