Note: this tutorial is out of date. Here’s an updated one:
Animations in Gamefroot! Plus some snazzy UI upgrades. Try out our new Animation Editor (Beta)!
Keep reading to learn how…
The most recent changes to Gamefroot in version 1.1.3 are:
- Features:
Create animated items with the Animation Editor (Beta)
- Screen size mask added to View menu
- More compact menu bar in the level editor
- Placing objects on the stage are now ghosted until placed
- Draggable navigator
- Fixes:
- Enemies with custom bullets now shoot correctly (Thanks to Bowserflame for spotting that!)
The brand new Animation Editor allows you to upload multiple images and create an animated item from them. (Animation Editor is still in Beta, so there might be a few bugs – see this post for more details.)
Here’s an example game using cowboys on horses as animated items!
How to create an Animated Item
To create an animated item, open “My Resources” and select a pack, then click “Create New Assets” and choose “Animated item” to open the Animation Editor.
Click “Import Sprites…” to select images from your computer and upload them to the Sprite Library (the area on the right of the Animation Editor).
Add the files, Start the upload, then close this window once the last file has uploaded.
Once you have the images you need in the Sprite Library, hover over them and click “Insert after selected frame” on each image.
Check that the images are in the correct order by looking at the timeline (the area at the bottom of the Animation Editor) – this will be the order the frames are played in the animation.
If you want to remove frames from the timeline, hover over them and click the x button. If you want to double the amount of time a frame plays for, click the + button on it.
When you are happy with your animation, click “Save Animation” and then close the Animation Editor once it has saved. Your new animated item will appear inside the pack you created it in.
Make sure you add that pack to your game so that it appears in the items palette in the sidebar. Now you can select it from your items, and place it on the level as an item (hold shift to stop the item from snapping to the grid).
If you don’t want the item to be collected when the player touches it, make sure you place the item on the Background Items layer, or make it a scripted item.
Go and make games with animations in them!
Screen Size Mask (Accessible from the View menu)
Use the screen size mask to see how much of your level will be viewable to the player at one time.
Give us your feedback by posting comments below, or hit us up on Twitter, Facebook, and the support page – Your ideas could make it into the next version of the Gamefroot Game Creator!
Have fun!
– The Gamefroot Team
These are some neat upgrades!