Animations in Gamefroot (Beta)



The latest Gamefroot Update allows you to create animations to use in your games. Check out this post to learn how to use it.

Please note that this is brand new functionality, so it is still in Beta and there are a few things that won’t yet work as expected.

Here is a list of known issues:

  • Onion skinning doesn’t work
  • Cannot set time duration for frames
  • Animated item will only display the idle sequence in game
  • Animated items without a sequence named “idle” will not play
  • Image size limitation of 1024 x 1024
  • Animations with lots of frames and large dimensions will not work in game

Please leave a comment below if you have found another bug.

Thanks guys!

– The Gamefroot Team

Remixing games may occasionally break – we’re working on it!

upgrading-older-games-anim-loopHowdy Gamefrooters, we’ve noticed that remixing games doesn’t always work properly. Don’t panic! This is something we are working to fix as soon as possible.

Usually remixing works fine, but if you do find a game that doesn’t remix properly, please leave a comment below with a link to that game.

We’re sorry for the inconvenience!

– The Gamefroot Team

Little Big Planets! Make a Solar System game

Hey space cadets, blast-off over to our Intergalactic Emporium (aka the Gamefroot Marketplace) and get ALL THE PLANETS. And Pluto! We even casually threw in the Sun. No biggy.

The asset pack is called “Little Big Planets” and can be found under the Marketplace tab in the Gamefroot game creator.

Want to feel like a God, dragging the entire Solar System around with your bare hands (or bare cursor)? We also made a game using this asset pack. Click here to play it!
